SWT MapWidget

Java based browsing of openstreetmap tiles (or the like). This is a EPL licensed SWT-Widget meant for reuse. A single file is enough to bring mapping to your Eclipse, swt, jface, RCP application. Sourcecode is provided as is and without warranty. Only requirement is SWT so you don't need the full eclipse rcp stack. This swt version is a port from the swing version found at http://mappanel.sourceforge.net/.

Zoom with mousewheel and doubleclicks left/right. Use Viewmenu to float into a top-level desktop window. This application uses the openstreemap.org tileserver and is just a simple 1 classfile interactive browser for the tiledatabase. Alternatively use CTRL+2 to switch to another tileserver. See javadoc comments in the MapWidget class for more details. EPL Eclipse Public License. Contact author via stepan.rutz AT gmx.de.

Example screenshot 1

Example screenshot 2

Try a demo right now

Note the webstart is supported for 32 bit windows only (64bit windows apparently works too) at the moment. Eclipse centric users are best off getting the sourcecode which comes with .project and .classpath files directly via svn into their eclipse and then launching MapBrowser.java (or MapWidget.java for the stripped down reuseable component).

Webstart MapWidget Showcase Application now

Download executable .jar file here
Download required swt-library (1 or 2) for .jar file here
Download required swt-library (2 or 2) for .jar file here

(In case you want to make 100% sure you get the latest version you can empty your webstart cache with the following line)
javaws -uninstall http://mappanel.sourceforge.net/swt/mapwidget.jnlp

Use menu of ctrl+1 or ctrl+2 to switch between tileservers for different rendering styles.

Note that data is loaded from external servers http://gazetteer.openstreetmap.org/, http://tile.openstreetmap.org/ and http://tah.openstreetmap.org. The MapPanel application is just a very simple Java Viewer for the data provided by openstreetmap.org. If you see error messages saying that tileservers cannot be reached this can be caused by either a complete lack of an internet connection (in which case you are out of luck) or by a restricted connection where you are forced to use a http(s) proxy-server. The later is often the case in companies which do not allow unrestricted access to the internet. In this case you need to set the system properties httpProxy.host and maybe also httpProxy.port via -D command line options. For https these properties are named https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort. You can also set these properties programmatically from java. An excellent in depth explanation can be found at

Developer info

The entire viewer runs using standard jdk version 1.6 or newer. Sourcecode can be found below. Only dependency is SWT.


Acknowledgments for feedback, testing, fixing, suggestions, improvements go to: Everyone at openstreetmap.org, Ricky Clarkson, Werner de Bruijn.

Contact author: stepan.rutz AT gmx.de . Feedback etc is more than welcome.